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What to Expect on Your 1st Visit

Dear Potential Patient,

Going to any Doctor for your 1st time can be scary so here is what to expect when you have your first visit with me.

Cumberland Valley Chiropractic & Wellness is a tight knit family so you will be greeted with a warm welcome and smile. The New Patient forms will be given to you to fill out. There are several pages so we ask that you arrive 30 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment. Your Driver's License and insurance card needs to be copied on your first visit for insurance purposes so please bring them along to your visit. Once your information is copied, it will be returned to you.

When it is your scheduled time I will meet with you in the exam room. Initially, we sit down and go over your paperwork and all concerns that you have at that time. The more I know about the problem; the better I can help. Once I have collected all the data from the paperwork, we move on to the exam. For the exam, a gown will be given to you and clothes from the waist up will need to be removed. This allows me to see the back and test the area for nerve impingement. All tests are non-invasive and painless so no worries. X-rays may or may not be necessary. I do not x-ray all patients. If you have had a recent injury, a past back surgery with no current x-rays, or have had no resolve with prior treatment from other sources then x-rays can give me further insight and will be done at that time.

A visual report of the exam will be printed and we will sit and discuss the results. Once I have answered all your questions, we will walk together to the adjusting room and begin treatment that day. Some insurances do not allow treatment on the same day. If that is the case with your insurance, we will notify you ahead of time.

Treatment will consist of an adjustment. Have no fear, I have a computerized technique which means you are sitting for the adjustment and at no time will I be twisting or cracking your body. A fair amount of muscle work will be included with the adjustment due to my background in Physical Therapy and knowledge that both muscle and spine must be worked in order for you to work.

I love my job and I love my patients. I care for everyone like they are my own family. I like to have open and free communication so at anytime if you have questions or concerns always ask, please.

I look forward to meeting you.

Yours in Health,
Caroline M. Diller, DC